Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hazy, Crazy Days

Ok, So this past Monday was my first day off in 11 days from work.  Needless to say I was tired and didn't want to do much.  In my working all those days my apartment suffered, so I did a little housework.  The most productive thing done was to get my closet ready for the winter weather that was due to hit Texas this morning, and boy did it ever!!
Cleaning my closet only got me more work to do , as I came across clothes, lost socks and other laundry that had to be washed.  I am about halfway thru the mound of clothes and most of the clean ones are now hung up or folded.

I did go out with a friend Saturday for some retail , food and alcohol therapy.  We had a lot of fun and spent money we probably didn't need to but it was worth it.  Went back to work for a few hours yesterday and was off again today.  Have a major errand I have to run tomorrow, then gotta be at work at 4.  Seems like I am always there but have nothing to show for it.  Got a heads up on a second job today that would pay well, be part time, give me full benefits and would work with my school schedule when I return ( hopefully) in the Spring 2014.

I will spice this blog up a bit here soon when I have the time to dedicate it. Right now its an outlet for thoughts and comments.

I am over 40 and still fab, will prove it soon:)

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

My Only Day Off

Today was my only day off.  I had an awesome night planned lastnight with my boyfriend but alas his truck broke down when he was on his way here after work so that did not happen.  I slept in till around 9, which is very rare since I'm usually up at 7.

I wound up helping a friend out a good portion of the day getting stuff ready at her church for their Fall Festival this coming Saturday evening. As a thank you she invited me to their Fellowship dinner this evening and it was fun, plus I met a very nice bunch of people.

I did a quick run by the grocery store for a few things and now am doing laundry--yippee...

At least I enjoyed my day off , as I won't have another until next Tuesday I think.  Tomorrow I work an 8 hour shift and Friday is an 11 hour shift.  Saturday and Sunday are normal 8 1/2 hours shifts. my boyfriend and I are supposed to go out Saturday night and I am really looking forward to it , just hope there isn't a lot of walking! Don't think my feet will accept that after for straight days of running around my unit ...

Sorry my day wasn't more exciting, hope everyone had a wonderful day!

Still no thoughts on who this is...hmmm.... what other clues can I give....

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Can You Guess?

Howdy to all out there in the great big blogosphere!!

I used to blog and stopped about 2-3 years ago.  I am back!!
I want to see if anyone can guess who this is:)

In my absence I have found myself once again.  I stopped blogging because I was going through a very difficult time in my life and I just don't believe in drama. Even if I'm in the middle of it, I don't post about it. Not on my blog, not on Facebook.  I don't tweet either.  Never could get the hang of it anyway.

I have found out that I have a lot of friends. I could not have gotten through that initial difficult time without them!!

 I did some CE credits to get back into my chosen profession, and have found myself a wonderful job in a local hospital.  I am even working toward a goal of returning to school this spring to get my Associates Degree. 

My immediate family consists of my mom, who I love dearly , and my soon to be 15 year old daughter.  She has chosen to live with her father because of my wonky schedule, but she spends every other weekend with me , and whenever else we are free.

I tried the whole online dating thing, and found out it isn't for me!!! Met some real , shall I say interesting men.  One has actually become a friend of mine, and that is only because that was what he was looking for , as he was recently divorced.

I was finally introduced to a wonderful man by a coworker.  We have been together now a little over two months.  He has a daughter a year or so younger than mine, and also has a pretty demanding field of work so we don't get to see each other a lot but make time to talk to each other every day.  We are taking it slow and just getting to know one another, not rushing into anything. He is a sweetheart though:)

Well, those are the only clues that I am giving at this time.  I may reveal more in the course of my blog, but we shall see.  I did always enjoy blogging though and am happy to be getting back into it.

so....any one wanna guess? LOL
